What to do in Advent.

Christmas is coming, but Advent is even closer! Of course, Advent is the traditional time when we wait for Jesus to be born again in that stable in Bethlehem. But with globalisation and our American friends importing Black Friday, if not quite Thanksgiving traditions for us, the whole festive season seems to creep up earlier and earlier each year.

For Christians, Advent sometimes starts before the first door of the Advent Calendar opens. This year the first Sunday in Advent is 28 November. We will light our first candle in church and begin our Christmas theme, which this year is The Advent Conspiracy. You will be hearing a lot more about the four themes it discusses in the coming weeks, but they are Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More and Love All.

The run up to Christmas can be busy, even in these times of Covid when many changes to traditions have taken place. It can be overwhelming, or exciting, or both. For some maybe it’s none of these things for various reasons. Maybe it’s a hard or painful time.

But as followers of Jesus we can be sure that we have the perfect gift each and every day in Him, born at Christmas and sacrificed at Easter. We have the gift of God’s love through his son. And what can we give? Not the cliché of socks or chocolate—that won’t do. We give the gift of ourselves. In the words of the carol ‘In the bleak midwinter’:

What can I give Him,

Poor as I am?

If I were a shepherd

I would bring a lamb,

If I were a wise man

I would do my part,—

Yet what I can I give Him,

Give my heart.

Advent is one time of year I feel the need to try and do something to boost my spiritual life. Despite, or maybe because of the busyness of the season, despite, or maybe because of the dark and cold and tiredness, I yearn to take some time out to connect with God. These are my intentions. Whether or not they happen is another matter! Life of course gets in the way, but there are simple things in our age of technology that we can do to try and facilitate making more connections with God.

Barclay Viewforth will be having an Advent Calendar with daily offerings which will be a surprise. This will be on the website from 1 December. We would encourage as many people in the congregation to take part, old and young alike (sorry, no chocolate involved!)

And there are loads of things you can sign up to that folk have prepared to help engage you with ‘the reason for the season’. Here are a selection:

The Church of Scotland will also have an online Advent calendar and you can find out more here: https://www.churchofscotland.org.uk/worship/advent

‘Christmas in your global neighbourhood’ Daily email from Tearfund: https://www.tearfund.org/campaigns/advent

Daily devotionals will turn to Christmas themes including Lectio 365 and the new Lectio for families:



#Adventword is an international Advent Calendar which you can get daily. Find out more here: https://adventword.org/en/home/

Of course, you don’t need to read an email or click a link to connect with God this advent season. Why not take time to sit quietly. Light a candle. Read a verse of scripture. Listen for the still small voice. Take time out from the crashing thunderous noise (both aural and visual) of the consumerism-led ‘Christmas’ that surrounds us. Wait on God.


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